Yesterday we had our mission leadership council in Lethbridge, which meant we got to take a big ROAD TRIP! Lethbridge is 2ish hours away from Medicine Hat, so we left at 7:30, made it there at 9:30, had a big long meeting, and drove back. Our elders wanted to get food on the way back so we stopped at this little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant run by Mennonites in this little town called Taber. The food was fine but their ice cream machine AND soda machine weren't working. It was worse than McDonald's.
We saw MIRACLES this week! On Thursday we had lots of time in the afternoon to find new people to teach and we felt really strongly that there was SOMEONE in our area who needed the message of the gospel but we had no idea where they were! We drove to like, 4 or 5 different places to try stopping by formers and knocking on doors and nobody was answering or interested! It finally got to the time when we had to head to dinner, so we decided to stop by two former investigators on the way over. Neither of them were home and we were about to drive away when we saw this cute mom putting a carseat in her car and Sister Bueno was like "what if it's her!" So we ran out of our car and introduced ourselves and set up a time to come back and teach her! It was her!

On Sunday night we had an appointment fall through, so we had even MORE finding time and it was so cold and snowy and we were trying so hard to find somebody new! After like, an hour we met this guy named Adam who told us we could come back next week but he didn't seem super solid and we were like, we know that there are people in our area who are ready to be taught! So we were looking at our area map and I felt like we should go to this one street and at the very same time Sister Bueno remembered the name of this potential investigator who lived on the street that I had pointed out! So we were like, we HAVE to go! We went to see Brawnwin and she seemed super interested, we gave her a Book of Mormon and we're supposed to go back next week! It was awesome! We have so much faith in miracles!
On another note, we went to go visit one of our investigators on Friday night and she invited her whole family into the room and we were like, this is awesome! But as soon as the husband got downstairs he was like "are you guys Mormons?" and we were like "yeah?" He said that he told the Mormon missionaries that they weren't interested because they said he'd need to get baptized again. This family is from South Sudan and double baptism is apparently a HUGE no-go. He said we could stay and visit but that we couldn't talk about the church. Which would have been entirely pointless, so we left. Not their time, I guess.

On Monday we had our district council meeting and all of the missionaries like to park their cars perpendicular to the actual parking spots, parallel to the sidewalk because that means we can just drive out without backing (every time you reverse your companion has to direct you, lol). Anyway, we were sitting in our meeting and this grumpy old lady came in and was like "MISSIONARIES! Who taught you how to park? There are TWO CARS parked incorrectly in the parking lot and you're making it very difficult for my sewing club to carry our machines! You're not the only ones who use this building!" And then she made the other district leave their room so they could do their sewing club. Getting screamed at was definitely one of the highlights of my week.
Alma 37:17 says "For he will fulfill all his promises which he shall make unto you, for he has fulfilled his promises which he has made unto our fathers." I have found so much peace in trusting God and His promises. I know that because He loves us, He will make all things work together for our good!
I love you! Have a great week!
Sister Willis
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