Thursday, January 23, 2020

Week 27: Parking Ticket

Enthusiastic Tracters!
On Thursday last week we got out of our dinner appointment and there was some guy who had backed his car up to our car and he was messing around on our front windshield, and the other car was on so he was standing in the exhaust and the red lights in the dark and I turned to my companion and was like "oh my gosh! someone is stealing our car!!" And she was like, um, no? I don't think so? It turned out just to be some mean parking enforcement officer writing us up a $40 ticket for "parking within 1.5 meters of a driveway". It was awesome because I didn't know that was illegal, but I guess the guy who owns the house we parked in front of called to report us for our violation! And the parking guy was like "you guys are lucky you came out now, I was about to have to call the tow truck!" Suuuuper lucky. He just sat there in his car in front of us for like 10 minutes, and missionaries have to have their companion back them up if they want to reverse, so we just sat there behind him and waited for him to move. I don't think he was thrilled.

I think I'm allergic to my new hat because I woke up the day after I wore it with bumps all over my forehead, so I took Benadryl and I ZONKED out during study time. And it's still not all the way better? So pray for my skin!

A big Santa.
Because we have phones, we get to do this fun thing called online proselyting, where we join Facebook groups and message people scriptures and videos and the like and ask them if they'd like to learn more about the gospel, and the other day this girl said yes to Sister Lamontagne! So we set up an appointment to call her over messenger and we were waiting for her to pick up and she BLOCKED it! It was awful! We had this cute lesson planned for her! It was... not a win.

We hang out with this part-member family every Monday night to do Come, Follow Me with them (and I am SO excited about Come, Follow Me for The Book of Mormon!! It'a gonna be great!) and their 12-year-old daughter brought down the crystals she got for Christmas and I convinced her to name one of them Sister Willis! So now I have a crystal named after me 😊. I also convinced her to name two of them Moron and Nimrod. In honor of our study of The Book of Mormon this year.

Tomorrow is TRANSFERS! I'm staying with Sister Lamontagne for 6 more weeks in the BEST AREA in the whole mission (barring something happens with the visa situation?). We're excited! And I hit my 6 months last week! Time flies!

In honor of finishing The Book of Mormon yesterday, this week's scripture is Moroni 10:32! "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." I am so grateful for the truths about God and His plan that are taught in The Book of Mormon! And I'm so excited to study them this year! I know that as we read The Book of Mormon, we are able to feel the power of God in our lives!

Happy New Year! I love you!! 🎊❤🎊❤🎊
Sister Willis

We found a BIG santa!! & we're practing being more enthusaistic tracters 😊

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