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This is us at the food drive! We love service! |
--Leslie Knope
Missionary work in the Calgary YSA stake is comprised like 80% of waffles, friends, and work! It's great! Every Tuesday at noon, we make free waffles for the institute kids, so this sister in my district made flyers and we passed them out at the University of Calgary to get people to come and some actually did show up! It was fun! I ate way too many waffles and put way too much ice cream on it, but this life is all about learning experiences.
This week was super busy, so it went super fast! It was good! On Monday, I gave a training in combined district council (which is basically zone council minus the APs because they are ALWAYS out of town) and nobody called me out for false doctrine! And people participated! It was good! I also talked to this girl at the bus stop and we picked her up! I was pumped! I said hi to every person we saw after that. Some of them didn't say hi back, but I did not care.
We spent hours and hours last week and most of Saturday working on the Calgary city-wide food drive! All of the stakes in Calgary work together to distribute flyers and bags to every house in the entire city, so we got some routes and passed out flyers last week. Then on Saturday, people drive the routes and pick up any bags that people have put out and bring them to their stake's drop-off location, where the missionaries (that's me!) pull the dozens of bags of canned and boxed goods out of the cars and put them in these giant cardboard containers. We filled 100 big cardboard boxes with bags of donated food! And my arms were SORE the next day! But it was so fun. It was awesome to see how willing people throughout the city were to donate to those who have less. Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Calgary has lots and lots of disciples.
On Saturday night, like half of our lights went off for some reason, so I went to the fuse box to trip the fuses, BUT the light wasn't working! So I couldn't see which ones were flipped! So I just felt around and flipped off all of the ones on the left side, because they were pointing the opposite way from the ones on the right! I thought I was so smart and fixed the problem, but our lights were still off and not 45 seconds later our neighbor came running downstairs with a flashlight, because for sOmE rEaSoN their power had mysteriously gone off! Even though all of the neighbors still had power! So I just ... flipped the switches back and bam! The power came back on! Our lights came back on, too, so I don't exactly know what was up with our power, but I DO know what happened to the neighbor's power 😬🙃
We had exchanges on Monday and Tuesday, which was super fun because I led the area and hung out with Sister Snyder, who is from Arizona and super cute and friendly, but also a little weird because we spent most of the day with our companions anyway making waffles and passing out flyers! It was fun, though. We watched President Nelson's BYU devotional because they broadcast it at the institute building for all the young adults to watch, and it was great! I was a liiiiittle bit jealous that President Nelson was at BYU and I wasn't at BYU, but I guess that Calgary is a good place to be, too. The devotional was good! Our prophet seems like a pretty smart guy.
We were tracting this week and this older man opened the door for us and started telling us all about how God doesn't exist and there is no reason why our God would be more real than any other God that humanity has invented, but the air wafting out of his house was so putrid that Sister Bangura had to sit down on the steps. He told us all about these documentaries we need to watch and books we need to read and about how 20% of people are sociopaths and we're only religious because we're emotional, but he did take our card and say that his friend Jolene who just had a knee replacement might need help with yard work. Fun!
When we were walking home on Sunday, we saw a man driving along the street in his motorized wheelchair in only a flannel shirt and an adult diaper! And he was staring at us like we were the ones walking around exposed! It was a very exciting time.
I was reading today in D&C 78:17-18, which says "Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you; And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours." I love this scripture and I love the Doctrine and Covenants because I think reading the Savior's words and hearing His voice help us learn more about who He is and who we want to be!
I hope you all have great weeks! Look for the hand of God in your life!
Love you lots!
Sister Willis
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